The Main Types of Sleep Apnea & Treatment in Cypress
When you stop breathing during sleep, it’s called obstructive sleep apnea. The blockage in your throat restricts the amount of air that reaches your lungs. A common and serious sleep condition, apnea causes you to snore or choke as you attempt to breathe. Apnea, the temporary cessation of breathing, is often due to the tissues in the back of the throat collapsing. Your brain and body become oxygen-deprived, causing you to awaken. You may awaken hundreds of times a night due to this condition, or a few times a night, in more severe cases.
The muscles of the upper airway relax when you fall asleep. If you sleep on your back, gravity can cause the tongue to fall back. This narrows the airway, which reduces the amount of air that can reach your lungs. The narrowed airway causes snoring by making the tissue in the back of the throat vibrate as you breathe.
The 3 Main Types of Sleep Apnea:
- Obstructive Sleep Apnea – The most frequent type of sleep apnea in which the throat muscles relax and block the airway. Snoring loudly is a sign that an individual has this form of sleep apnea, as air attempts to pass through an obstructed airway.
- Central Sleep Apnea – This type of Sleep Apnea occurs when the brain doesn’t send the proper signals to the muscles that control the bodies breathing.
- Complete Sleep Apnea – A combination of the first 2 types. Having a mixture of the first two types of sleep apnea can lead to restlessness and even death.
Sleep Apnea Treatment Near Me
Are you interested in Sleep Apnea treatment? Never ignore your sleep apnea condition. Contact our office today to make your appointment, and discuss your treatment options.