Snoring, Sleep Apnea Specialist in Cypress
As much as 40% of North America’s people are negatively affected by snoring, which accounts for about 20%. Furthermore, snoring negatively impacts the snorer’s spouse and children. Snoring can be a symptom of a more dangerous condition called sleep apnea. It not only interrupts your sleep cycle, but it might also be a symptom of sleep apnea. Sleep apnea is a cardio-respiratory time-bomb.
Sleep-disordered breathing (i.e., snoring and sleep apnea) affects about one in four of the patients — and the condition can significantly impact overall health and quality of life. The dental solution for sleep-disordered breathing is mandibular advancement with an oral appliance.
Signs and symptoms of sleep apnea include:
- Morning headaches
- Daytime fatigue and sleepiness
- Memory or learning problems and not being able to concentrate
- Feeling irritable, depressed, or having mood swings or personality changes
- Waking up frequently to urinate
- Dry mouth or sore throat when you wake up
Snoring Treatment Near Me
Are you interested in snoring treatment? Are you possibly suffering from sleep apnea? Never ignore your sleep apnea condition. Contact our office today to make your appointment, and discuss your treatment options.