Sleep Apnea Treatment in Cypress

OSA – Obstructive Sleep Apnea 

When you sleep, your upper airway is partially or wholly blocked, resulting in obstructed breathing. During apnea, the additional effort required to breathe through a narrowed airway causes the snoring or gasping sounds the body produces. 

Intraoral appliance for Sleep Apnea 

An intraoral device is worn at night to gently pull the jaw forward in order to widen the airway and encourage airflow through the nasal passages. Intraoral devices may come in a variety of styles, including ones with thinner centers that allow for more room for the tongue and greater lateral mobility. 

Treatment for Sleep Apnea

When treating OSA, continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) is frequently suggested. A hose that connects to a mask or nasal device is worn throughout the night to receive a continuous flow of air from a machine. CPAP is an effective therapy, but many patients find it difficult to adapt to the hose and mask, as well as the noise of the machine interfering with their ability to fall asleep. 

Working with our practice, we may offer oral devices to alleviate OSA symptoms without the noise and other difficulties associated with CPAP. 

Sleep Apnea Treatment Near Me 

Are you interested in Sleep Apnea treatment? Never ignore your sleep apnea condition. Contact our office today to make your appointment, and discuss your treatment options.